
NetEx is a network complaint management solution for Wireless Service Providers developed for the purpose of end to end complaint handling with seamless integration between backend and field processes through a single platform. NetEx has a Web Portal and a Mobile Application for analysing customer reported network problems.

Service Providers will have access to the NetEx Web Portal for end to end complaint handling that includes forwarding cases to different customer departments, forwarding complaints for field visits and for RF Analysts review. NetEx Web portal has the ability to view the current status and track the history of all complaints along with the ability to generate reports.

The NetEx Mobile Application helps schedule customer visits and uploads radio network measurement data from the customer location to the Web Portal for further analysis.

In other words, NetEx will help Service Providers improve complaint response Turn-Around-Time (TAT) and ensure faster closure of complaints.

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NetBuddy – a mobile application that allows users to register, test, track and rate their network complaints without the need for calling the Service Provider’s Call Center.

NetBuddy also allows users to view tower locations in current & distant locations through the app and share network performance data with the Service Provider by undertaking coverage and quality tests using the app.

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